The UK’s biggest Wrestling School

A ground-breaking wrestling school for a new generation of Professional Wrestlers. Build confidence, progress your skills & express your creativity through performance.


Previous Class Events


Working as a multi-disciplinary athlete in a performance art such as Wrestling, I know from experience that the best performances come on the days when I move with greater grace & flow.

Additionally, 20 years of martial arts training and professional wrestling experience have taught me that creating physical chemistry with other performers in the ring is an essential component of delivering any show stopping main event match.

That’s why I’ve created a unique movement coaching system designed specifically to help trainee Wrestlers improve the quality of their in ring performance, footwork and non-verbal communication skills.

Introducing you to new movement patterns drawn from mixed martial arts, professional wrestling, gymnastics and contemporary dance, my coaching will allow you to develop highly refined motor control skills so you can make in ring gains in strength, speed, power, agility, balance and coordination; essential to the consistent execution of high standard matches.


A clip from an arts council supported film 'Art & Wrestling' by Wrestling Resurgence producer Sam West & videographer Courtney Nettleford - Filmed at "The London School of Lucha Libre", run by Garry Vanderhorne and Greg Burridge.

A short video essay reflecting on professional wrestling as a contemporary performance form. Featuring professional wrestling Tom Dawkins (Cara Noir), Dr Claire Warden (Loughborough University) and Sam West (Producer, Wrestling Resurgence).


Workshops & Courses

I teach a range of workshops and courses from my base at Cross Fit London in Bethnal Green. Book a class or course to join me for a session.

PHYSIQUE COACHING: I train exclusively using body-weight & gymnastics training techniques. Find out more about how I maintain my physique by joining me for a 10-week strength & conditioning course. Full details here >>

PHYSIQUE COACHING: I train exclusively using body-weight & gymnastics training techniques. Find out more about how I maintain my physique by joining me for a 10-week strength & conditioning course. Full details here >>

WRESTLING WORKSHOPS: I run regular workshops on the aspects of wrestling I find most intriguing. Find out what influences my performance work by joining me for a practical session that will make you think about the art form in new ways.

WRESTLING WORKSHOPS: I run regular workshops on the aspects of wrestling I find most intriguing. Find out what influences my performance work by joining me for a practical session that will make you think about the art form in new ways.

Private Coaching

Tailored coaching to suit your schedule

Book in for one-to-one coaching sessions to work on a specific skill or get the individual attention you need to progress at a faster rate.

* Sessions can be used for one-to-one coaching, or shared between participants up to a group size of 4