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Modelling success: Or How to Steal Creative Content and Make it Your Own

  • Resistance Gallery 263 Poyser St England, E2 9RF United Kingdom (map)

There is a common maxim amongst artists and creatives...

“Good artists copy, Great artists steal”.


This familiar phrase has appeared and reappeared in a variety of creative contexts over the past hundred years or so, and has been attributed to a broad range of thinkers from Pablo Picasso and TS Eliot to Steve Jobs. But what does the expression actually mean and how as wrestlers can we use it to ensure we deliver show stopping matches week in week out without following a ‘main event formula’?

A ‘main event formula’ is a term I often hear in the locker room; it’s a received idea that there is a kind of cheat sheet ‘painting by numbers’ equation that can be rolled out for every match - and there is a generalised belief in the industry that once you’ve discovered the ‘formula’ you’re all set to just trot out the same old stuff show after show.

Personally I think this kind of approach to wrestling is massively limited. Instead this seminar will include 3 hours of in-depth thinking to question the wisdom of the main event ‘formulae’ approach, proposing the idea that rather than thinking of wrestling as a ‘sports entertainment format’ we should begin thinking about wrestling as an art form, like painting or poetry.

To be creative, original practitioners, it’s therefore essential that we understand the history and development of wrestling from the classical period to the contemporary, and know how to ‘steal’ the best bits without anyone noticing...

This session will:

  • Identify who your wrestling influences are, what are you referencing when you perform, and why?

  • Understand how the audience ‘reads’ your references and learn how to outthink fans to build interest in your matches and exceed expectations

  • Learn how to steal great content and make it your own without reinventing the wheel

  • Create a pre-match action plan to help you generate ideas for matches in advance of your shows so you an be an active participant in the creative collaboration that is wrestling.

Notes and links:

Please watch the following match in advance of the workshop: WWE Monday Night RAW 1994 Brett Hart vs 123 Kid

Please come with a list of your wrestling influences, moves, sequences and character traits; that you wish to model.


  • Please bring a note book and pen as you will be writing notes and generating ideas on paper

  • Previous experience of wrestling is essential. Sessions are aimed at Intermediate to Pro level performers.

  • If you are unsure if the class is suitable for your level please contact me to check before booking

Later Event: 21 November
A Story in Every Strike